Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who makes the cut?????

Ok.....this may sound harsh, but our kids have got to cut their list of friends. Looking through their myspace and facebook pages last night I see we've added new friends! I ask my son, do you know that girl? No...they are a friend of so and so I am told. Oh....why are they listed as your friend??? My son asked me if he was just supposed to tell the person no, I will not add you to my friend list. I very quickly told him yes...that is what you say. But our kids feel mean telling other kids no. Are you in this same situation? If you are, please tell me what you tell your kids. I've tried to explain the dangers of online predators, and how we have to keep our online friend circles small. But my kids have heard this so much, they just tune it out. It's just mom being mom. They feel they have a perfect online world because danger has never touched them directly. I've shared stories I've read with them and they've also heard things from their DARE officer at school or the school counselor. But still.....they are different. They always are, aren't they?

So...if you have extra time, look through your kids friend list today. Take a moment to look through the groups they have joined if they participate in Facebook. And....maybe some of the page elements they have added. Did you know you can add a feature to your Facebook page that is a survey of "what drug you are" or "Your Stripper Name". Yeah...all kinds of fun stuff. Kids think they are being funny. They don't see the slow process of desensitizing that is going on. Remind your kids, those things are not necessary. They don't belong on THEIR pages. The written page on a myspace or facebook account should still reflect the heart of someone who knows Jesus, and believe me.....Jesus would not be asking what their drug of choice would be...or for goodness sakes what their stripper name would be....if in fact they were a stripper. For the love.......

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