We are just home from a great trip to Atlanta with our youngest son and his buddy Cameron. It was a great trip. Lots of fun stories as you can imagine with both Max and Cameron all weekend. As we drove into Atlanta, we were shocked to find that a tornado had ripped through downtown (where we were) the night before. Much devastation and was kind of surreal.
Luckily, we had good weather the rest of the weekend. Today, was perfect as we spent it outdoors in the sun and enjoying Stone Mountain Park.
When we got home, Nick and Scout were eager to talk about their Winterfest Trip. Scout was talking mostly about his walking around Gatlinburg time with his buddies. I so remember that. I did that same thing when I was in the youth group. Total Dejavu when I hear him talk. Nick talked alot about that but also the sessions and his take on what the Evangelists had to say. He also talked about what he disagreed with and how he felt that some was not exactly what he believed etc. You know, he has a grounded faith. Well, let me rephrase that - he is being grounded in his faith. I am glad to know that he thinks and really evaluates what he hears. He is usually pretty willing to discuss things he questions and talk about his feelings about the Holy Spirit, his walk with the Lord or if he feels far from the Lord. I like that he questions when something does not sit right with his 'soul'. I want him to seek truth and find answers in the Bible along with talking to me, Kevin and his youth leaders. It is my desire that he feels it is ok to ask WHY we believe specific doctrine and WHY WE DON'T believe other doctrines.
I'm reminded that as a parent, we have to give our kids space to grow into their own person. Meaning, I don't want to force all of my opinions on my boys and expect them to make them their own. If my kids just accept my thoughts, they don't really have their own opinions do they? That includes things of a spiritual nature as well. I don't want him riding on the hem of my spiritual walk. That in itself will not develop into an authentic, personal walk with the Lord. They need to have their own walk. He talks to them, just like He talks to me. They have to learn to hear Him.
So I am learning, it is ok if they disagree with me. However, they must obey and respect me. (A Biblical Command) But...I know there will be things they don't agree with or that they will have their own ideals about. I want them to learn to express who they are as long as it is rooted in truth and is accurate to what the Bible tells us, I'm good.
This photo reminds me of just how different my kids ideals can be when placed next to mine. This picture was taken last year. Like every year, we sat around the table to decorate Easter Eggs. It is a MUST that everyone participates. Corny...but the mama in me has to have it! I love this time with my kids. We have the egg decor standards that come back each year. Among our decorated eggs, you will find Spiderman, Spongebob, the cute egg with flowers and a monogram (ok, that one is mine) but they are always representative of our family in one way or another. I remember Nick doing the eggs in this picture. When I saw them I thought....KISS....are you serious....I have KISS decorated Easter Eggs on my table??? But then, I remembered...the Easter Egg is not Holy, in fact, it is something fictitious that we hide in the grass and yard that we may or may not find during the hunt. My son...had a KISS fascination last year. I'm just glad its over now. He thought the eggs were particularly cool. In fact, I remember how proud he was of his art work. At that moment, I needed to remember we don't have to sweat the small stuff. It was really ok.... He was participating in a family activity, and HAVING FUN! That was a good thing!! Sometimes we have to look at things differently and don't react negatively just because it was not our first choice or what we would have done. Not everyone will decorate with flowers and monograms! Thank goodness. As our kids grow into self thinkers...they WILL challenge us. But as parents, we need to look at their hearts. What is there? Is the right thought there? Maybe at times our kids just need a little help navigating the way, and we can help them get there. It may not be the way we would have done it, but they can sometimes only learn through their own experience.
The crazy KISS Eggs - The thought was the same as my own or his brothers - we were celebrating family time during Easter. That in itself is all good.
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