Wednesday, April 16, 2008

There's no place like home....there's no place like home....

Wow!!! Sitting on my couch watching the Democratic Presidential debate while I wait for my family to get home from church. Hillary is discussing how she knows and is "convinced" that withdrawing troops from Iraq within 6 months is a good idea. Now, the Commanding General of our troops is telling us....almost pleading with the powerful NOT do this. But Hillary.....she thinks....Ehh, I'm good....I'll go with my first thought. Now tonight, she does look good. The bags under her eyes are almost gone. Her skin is clear and make up really does look fab. Kudos for that Hillary. But, as far as me seeing you as my President....I just can't see it.

I think that I am going to be very unpopular for saying this, but I am not certain I want a female President. We are wired different. God wired us that way. We are doubt. We were created to be help mates. If you don't believe that, read the story of Adam and Eve. Look at the many examples within the Bible where women helped men in miraculous, amazing ways. Women carry the gift of discernment, empathy, love, kindness and hospitality. We are strong too. We can do anything - but why do some of us think we should do everything?

If other countries have issues with women in leadership or even respecting a woman's right to vote or enjoy life, or making her own decisions.....will another country really take us serious if we have a women in our most important position of power? I'm just asking.....

Comment please......tell me what you think? Even if you disagree....I want to know! Alright....Obama is talking now...let me go listen to him! Later...

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