Thursday, April 24, 2008

Amazing News.....

Yesterday, I received two important messages. One was from my sister Jennifer. She is pregnant and we thought that our sweet baby girl was going to be here sometime around mid May. May 19 was the big target date. Well, when Jen went to the doctor this week, she was told that she is already beginning that process we mother's know as 'getting ready for labor'. The doctor told her it could be anytime and that he would probably not let her go longer than May 12 without inducing! WOW! My niece, Payton Bailey will be here sooner than I thought. That....was a great surprise. We had a baby shower for her this past Saturday and it was WONDERFUL. That girl has more clothes than ANY baby I have ever been around. I am truly not kidding. All adorable. I was good and actually bought something off my sister's registry - a practical gift she wanted....but then.....I went to find something fun! I am proud to say that I bought baby Payton her very first pearl bracelet. I am so going to enjoy being the fun, girly Aunt Sha Sha.

The second message was from my sister in law about my other niece whom we've been waiting on for 2 years now. Addeline Grace Johnson is somewhere.....either she is born and in an orphanage in China or she is safely wrapped in her birth mother's womb...awaiting her big day. Either way...we know she is on her way. Ken and Kelly (Kevin's brother and wife) have been in the process of adoption since March of 2006. They love that baby girl already....we all do. And we are looking forward to holding her and welcoming her as a Johnson soon. Kelly updated her blog with the dates that they should hear something about their baby. The good news is that it will be by April 2009 at the latest. Please visit her blog for more information. It is entitled Kelly's Blog at the bottom of this page. I know that it must be hard for Ken and Kelly at times...the waiting. Kelly has been pregnant longer than any of my friends. :) But...she looks amazing! know what I mean. They have been expecting her and waiting...all that love just stored up for their little girl. A sister for my nephew Alec. A new niece for me and Kevin. And a sweet baby cousin for my boys. We are all ready.

How ironic that both messages come on the same day. Payton, coming sooner than we expect and Addie....we've been waiting on a while. We may wonder and ask God why, but He knows. He's known all along and His timing is perfect.

Philippians 4:6-8
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We will not be anxious, we will wait and trust Him. Because He knows the exact date that our girls will be with us. He has formed each of them and has a plan for each of them.

Please pray with us for both baby girls. Pray that we have a safe delivery for baby Payton (and her mom Jennifer too) which will be soon....and that our sweet Addie will be taken care of....and that she will get here really, really soon too! We love them, how our family is going to change.

1 comment:

Kelly J said...

That is great about Jen, we are waiting anxiously for her arrival!

Thank you so much for your kind words, prayers, and thoughts for us and sweet Addie.
Love ya