Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Peer Pressure

Well, as I travel this week I find that at times, I find I am back in Jr. High. Seriously. I am attending a trade show of people just like me from hotels all over the Southeast. Ah....I sense similarity of sorts with what my kids must face each day at school. What can I learn from this? I've realized the past few days, there is much to be reminded of.

Already, I've found the groups. The cool kids, the geeks and definitely the party crowd. How old are they anyway??? Last night, I was so happy to get there exactly when it started so I could leave after an hour. I was not going to miss the Biggest Loser finale!!! (oh, so I guess I let it slip that I fell into the geek social crowd) Anyway, as I was leaving, I ran into one of my new friends I met at the trade show. As I was leaving, she grabbed my arm and asked why I was leaving so early. Actually, I think her exact words were, "Don't leave, it's a free open bar". Oh....well that changes everything!!! What was I thinking???? Good grief.

But seriously, as I move through the week I have moments where I am very confident in who I am, like last night. But then there are other times when I am in the educational sessions or work groups where I feel less than some of those around me. I feel intimidated at times to contribute to the conversation because, what if they don't like my ideas? What if they dismiss my thoughts? I begin allowing their approval of me to define who I am. Do you know what I mean? It's like 17 all over again.

Like I said, a reminder of what my kids face. And with that said, I am proud of who my kids are. And I will tell them that. Peer pressure never really goes away. How unreal of us to expect our kids to glide through that time just because we've taught them well. If your kids are holding up through the pressure and are known for making good decisions.....tell them just how proud you are of them! Tell them you know its hard, but worth it. Share with them some of the situations you go through during your day to day life.

Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect. Romans 12:2

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