I was looking at some pictures from my sister's baby shower when I ran across this picture. At first, I thought....what in the world was my husband thinking??? Taking pictures of his Grandfather's hands. I mean there were several of them on my camera. But then, I looked closer - and noticed how large his hands are. Strong. They are hands that have worked hard for many years providing for his wife and his 3 daughters and 1 son. Preston Duncanson is Kevin's grandfather on his mother's side. He has fought a long battle with cancer and still, just a week or so ago, I heard he went to a church social just because he wanted to see everyone. He is tired. He knows his maker. He is not scared. As I looked at this picture, I started to get it....my husband see's these hands differently than most of you will. They are his grandfather's hands. The hands of a strong and loving man that hugged him when he was little. Hands that would swallow his hands when Kevin was a boy. Hands that would discipline at times too, I am sure. (Kevin is a preacher's kid you know, lol) Hands that seemed so strong long ago....that now rest more than they ever did or thought they could years ago.
I see this picture and I'm reminded of legacy. Leaving a legacy that is. Grandpa Duncanson has lived a life that honored God and hard work, serving his country through the military (he has some great stories!!) - and loving family and church community. I wonder if my boys even begin to understand the legacy that is left for them by this wonderful man. You see, because Grandpa Duncanson loved the Lord and served God and brought his family up in the way of the Lord - my husband has a Godly mother. Kevin's mom married a pastor and together they served in the ministry for 40 years. For me, that meant I met and married a man who loved the Lord. Kevin is a leader in our home spiritually. Now, our boys are learning the same thing. I pray it goes on and on and on. A legacy of faith.
Honor should be given to those who have gone before us and have laid foundations in our lives. I think I've missed a few opportunities to share with my boys just how special this is and how blessed they truly are.
Too often, we get so busy that we don't appreciate the loved ones in our life that are in the twilight of their own lives. Or, maybe we are sad because they are old now and we miss the way they used to be.
I was looking in my Bible this morning to see what I could find about legacy and the blessing it is within a family. Though I didn't find what I was actually looking for, I ran across this verse. I like it best in the Message Translation -
Proverbs 17:6 Old people are distinguished by grandchildren;
children take pride in their parents.
Get past the part that says...Old people. So it's not politically correct. But it says that our grandpas, grandmas, nanas, memaws and papas are to be distinguished by their grandchildren. That our children take pride is us.
Question: Am I leaving a legacy for my children that they will truly take pride in? Hmmmmmm
1 comment:
Beautiful Blog.
I've always noticed G-pa D's hands. They look older than normal, especially given his current state, but they still look strong.
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