Enjoying a weekend of found time...I think you know what I mean, I find that I am enjoying getting a grip on my loads of laundry, watching movies I've had from my online blockbuster account (Becoming Jane) and finding a few moments to blog some thoughts too. I really enjoy this new trend of blogging...and I enjoy reading others blogs too. I love what my dad said about blogs. He said that sometimes he feels he reading somebody's personal journal - and feels awkward reading them. Even mine sometimes. But, he said it was also really cool to be able to hear and see what goes on in my kids lives and others too. I enjoy the whole blogging process just as I do journaling. I have had several friends do the creative memory thing - and I've felt compelled at times to join them. Seems like the right mom thing to do. But....its too stressful for me. Too much cutting, pasting etc. I don't enjoy that. But a blog is a great way to use your pictures, archive your thoughts and life stories.
Our big news this weekend was from Friday. Nick went to take his drivers test and unfortunately, failed. He was the 3rd test of the day....and the 3rd failing grade the instructor gave out. One girl barely made it out of the parking lot before the instructor made her turn back in and promptly told her it was over and she had failed. She did not put her turn signal on leaving the parking lot. I guess that instructor had seen all she needed at that point.
Nick's test was overall good - if you don't count any of the stop signs he slowed through. Yes, I said slowed through and never stopped. Confusing, because they boldly tell you what to do as you approach them. To be honest, I had never noticed him not coming to a complete stop at stop signs. With me, I see him very cautious. I would have said something if I had noticed only slowing and not stopping....right? But away from me and Kevin...I guess he drives differently. Maybe he was nervous. Or maybe I was too close to or too used to seeing him as I see him and didn't pick up on the fact that he was not doing it correctly. How could I miss that? It seems that is a question we parents as ourselves from time to time about a few things our kids might do...right? Anyway...
As I thought about his test today, I found it very life like. I began thinking of the consequences of driving with other drivers and not stopping at stop signs. That lead to me thinking of life in general. The stop signs, or leadings by the Holy Spirit we have in life. When the spirit BOLDLY says....don't go any farther...stop here. Some call it conviction, others call it their gut feeling. I know that what I hear is the Holy Spirit speaking to me. There were times as a teenager I didn't listen and stop but I proceeded with a slowing...telling myself I had done all I needed to, but never a complete stop. (like Nick's driving) How I wish I would have stopped more and slowed less. I could have avoided a few unpleasant situations, hurt feelings and less bruises I am sure! But God is good....and he loves us through all the circumstances we go through. Thank goodness. Funny how God can speak to us through most any circumstance. That of course, led me to talk to Nick about the importance to stop signs...and my life parallel as well. Instead of just laughing at me....Nick did say, "Wow, I never thought of it that way". By the way, he still laughed at me.
He'll take his test again on Monday. He'll definitely remember to stop at each stop sign. I hope that this is now a reminder of how important it is to ALWAYS stop and pay attentions to signs. Hmmm, pay attention to signs of all kinds. I hope that he also thinks about our talk and how sometimes when the Holy Spirit says STOP....we need to listen. Nick is definitely growing into a man. Look how much he looks like his dad. Amazingly handsome and grown up...but still a boy learning to be a man after God's own heart. He'll keep learning how to listen to the spirit that lives within him his entire life. I don't think we ever have it completely figured out, but as we grow older, I am thankful that the voice we hear is more recognizable and for me, easier to follow.
Pray for Nick on Monday.....red, octagonal sign means STOP!!!!!
Stopping at stop signs is something many of us do not do as defined by the LAW. When you stop you car is at complete rest and you feel the "kick back" as Kevin said. Unfortunately, after driving going on 40+ years, unless there is traffic visible at the intersection I am guilty of "rolling" oh so very very slowly but not coming to a complete stop as defined by the laws. And, like you stated, there have been times in life I should have stopped, but slowly crept forward. His test is a reminder to me that experience comes with age and "doing" but so do "habits" that should be "nipped in the bud". Good luck on Monday, Nick. Remember to do as you know you should and not as you have seen others do, even me. Love you. Papa
Loved your blog shan
I also love and agree with what Wayne (Papa) said! With Alec driving now (neighborhoods and parking lots only!), When he "Stops" at stop signs, the person behind us nearly runs into us because of the actual "Stop" - even if alec gradually stops.
It def. made me realize that most of the time I do not come to a "complete" stop!
Shows that you can learn from a "failure" and teach others also!
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