Monday, August 18, 2008

A Prayer for Hannah Underwood

Sunday morning, I went to sit with a friend of mine who has a 17 year old daughter recently diagnosed with severe stage - MS. The official diagnosis came Friday, although they had some clues earlier in the week. The Underwood family has been a vital part of Tres Dias for quite a while now. My friend Cindy, was the Rector for the 2008 Fall weekend for Birmingham Tres Dias. Hannah, serves on the council for the VN community here in Birmingham. VN is a Tres Dias experience for teenagers. I cannot tell you how special this family is. They love and trust the Lord - and are showing great strength through this trial.

If you knew Hannah, you wouldn't be surprised that while I was there on Sunday morning, she was all smiles, being positive and open with what is going on with her right now. In fact, while I was there she got the news that she would have to remain in the hospital a while longer because of the tremors in her left hand and arm. She just looked at her mom, and said, "Well, I guess I'm not going home today after all", then she smiled and kind of joked with her mom that she shouldn't have said anything about the tremors so they could go home. Her mom is a nurse at that very hospital and could easily watch her and do some therapy at home. But...Cindy is (reluctantly) learning how to be a mom and patient...not the Nurse in charge of a patient.

A friend of the Tres Dias community, Craig Pierce wrote a beautiful prayer of healing for Hannah. It was posted in her hospital room and copies are being given out to friends and family who come to visit. I'm sharing it with you and asking you to please pray with us for the healing of Hannah.

Healing Prayer of Hannah Underwood

Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a special way. It is through your power that Hannah was created. Every breath she takes, and every morning she wakes and every moment of every hour she lives under your power. Father, I ask you now to touch Hannah with that same power. For if you created her from nothing, you can certainly recreate her. Fill her with the healing power of your spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in her. Mend what is broken, root out any unproductive cells, open blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas or tissues, remove all inflammation, and cleanse any infection. Repair and restore her brain and remove the lesions that were detected by the MRI. Remove all traces of any cancerous cells, or any defected cells in her body. Let the warmth of your healing love pass through her body to make new any unhealthy areas so that her body will function the way you created it to function. And Father, restore Hannah to full health in mind and body and spirit so that she may serve you the rest of her life. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

1 comment:

renee9268 said...

I went to see her Saturday afternoon after I went to see my grandmother. She was in good spirits and smiling. That's the Hannah I know.

The prayer is beautiful and I prayed it as I was reading it.

Love you guys!