Thursday, August 7, 2008

Choices & The First Day of School

Today is the first day of school for my boys. I am not sure where the summer went. They were all excited this morning and a little nervous too. Last night was hard getting everyone to bed. I tried for 8:30 with Max. We made it by 9pm. That was not too bad. Scout was ready and had a schedule of his own. He wanted to be in bed by 9:30pm. Nick on the other hand could not settle down to be in bed that early. He’s been going to bed around 11pm or 12midnight some nights. Sometimes later…so he was having a bit of a time.

When Scout was going to bed, he asked me to come in and pray with him. Now, we still ‘tuck’ Max in, but Scout has started putting himself to bed. When he asks Kevin or I to come with him and pray, we know something is up. Basically, he was just nervous about friends, making friends, and football. You see he loves the sport. Loves it! But…does not want to be hit. There in lies the problem. He wished he were bigger so that the impact would not be so bad! He is a teenager trying to figure it all out. I am honored to pray with him…especially when it is at his request. That….will keep me going for days even when I pick up his dirty laundry!

This morning, while we were at breakfast we talked about making a difference in their schools this year. Being strong in the Lord. Being salt and light. We read a few verses from Matthew that have everything to do with our lives as adults too. The truth within these verses, will never change. Whether we work, stay at home, travel…whatever, the choice we have to make is always the same.

Matthew 7:13
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

Well, here are my boys from this morning. They will love these one day I am sure. I told Nick I wanted to take one with him by his car holding up the keys. You know…something that says, “Hey, I’m driving to school”. He just stared at me with a blank look then rolled his eyes. That was quickly followed with, “Why don’t I just hold them up and say hey, I’m a dork”. As you can see…I didn’t get that shot this morning. Too cheesy for my way cool Junior in high school.


Tonya said...

Shannon-I love you blog! You made me cry! Your boys are sooo cute! What a great family you have! Wow-it seems like we were our children's age just yesterday and facing the same things they face today.

Love you girl,

Shannon Johnson said...

Thanks girl. I feel the same about your Maggie. She is so pretty. I think about our growing up years often as I watch the boys. Sometimes it seems impossible for it to be so long ago! I am thankful for our friendship and all those memories from our childhood and high school years. Love you too! Miss you lots Tonya. Its been too long!