Thursday, August 28, 2008

Money can't buy you love....or happiness...but it sure can make you feel good at times!

We know that's true. If you disagree....then you are not being honest. I didn't grow up with tons of money, but I always had everything I needed and more. But I do remember as a young teenager taking notice of those who had 'more' or 'better' things than I did. I guess that is just human nature. You know?

Yesterday morning started out like any other day - we enjoyed breakfast together...everything calm.....then we realized our chatting over breakfast lasted 10 minutes longer than usual and both kids missed their buses. This is just the beginning of chaos for my son Scout. First you need to know he gets hives even thinking of being late to school. Yesterday was worse because he is doing the weather this week on his morning TV broadcast and they want you to go early. Oh...if you know Scout you can only imagine how this was starting him off for the day. Kevin got him to school....and called me to let me know he thought the day was salvaged.

Scout usually wraps up football practice around 5:30pm on Wednesday. Kevin was a great husband and decided to pick Scout up for me. I was happy. One less trip for me! So Kevin, shows up to pick Scout up along with his buddy to take everyone home. To Kevin's detriment....Scout was still in a mood - only the mood had taken an even more downward turn. By the time they got home, Kevin came in alone....and Scout stayed in the truck for a bit. I know you are thinking...I don't need the play by play...but remember...I am girl, and this is what we do. If I don't describe everything for you, you might miss the feeling of the story. :) You hear me? Back to the story...

After Scout came in we began to talk and he shared that he had just had a bad day. He was pretty emotional too. We got past the whole bus thing, and even the bad attitude and through alot of tears and frustration on his part it all came out. He's just not happy when he compares himself to the other kids at his school. He measures his self worth against the other kids and they seem to be worth far more to him. You see, Scout sees large homes, lots of stuff, and then the car pool line. He was picked up in our 16 year old's teal green 94 Ford Ranger - when his buddy was picked up in front of him in a Porsche'. He went on to tell me (like I hadn't noticed) that he attends a school where there are tons of rich kids and they have million dollar houses and lots of stuff. It just came to a head for Scout and because he's used others success and outward appearance as his definition of happiness, he falls short every day. And this is a kid who has to have things right. He has to be on time, has to do homework right, has to make As and Bs. And he needs to fit in.

With lots of hugs and reassurance, I shared with Scout that those feelings are normal and that sometimes we all still struggle with those feelings. But...only Jesus can fill that space inside that we try to stuff and fill with other things. Our soul longs for happiness and fulfillment and we surely find it temporarily in things of this world...but they quickly fade...and then we look for the next thing. But God....He is there...and never leaves. He fills again and again, every day we choose to walk with him. Although Scout smiled and gave me a hug, I know in his 13 year old mind, he still wishes for what some of his friends have. I am in my late 30's (that sounds really good) and I find that I am just now reaching that point in my life where I am good. I am content because I've tried to fill my life with things. Been there done that...and paid lots of credit card bills to prove it. And guess what....the happiness just didn't stick! Have you been there too? We may not have the biggest or best house, but we have a home that I would not trade for any amount of money. I am IN LOVE with my Sienna Mini me, its the top of the line luxury car right now! is the season of life I'm in too. I'm not a crazy person. :) I think that as we change and grow, our wants do to. I am not saying stuff is bad - I like stuff. I enjoy my Dooney & Bourke every now and then. What I am saying is that kids today have so much...and our culture breeds more is must have the best. And it hits our home today....because my 13 year old, who God made to be extraordinary feels less than ordinary because he doesn't see in our lives what the world says is good. I know that God is working in him, and that soon, he will see differently. This is just kind of new for us.This was not an issue with our oldest. He is pretty much content...doesn't care about stuff like that kind of kid. He in fact, can't wait to master the stick shift so he can drive that teal green 94 Ranger to school! And he'll proudly park in between the Hummers, Land Rovers and Mercedes that are filling his parking lot these days at the high school. But he's found a certainty in Christ...that Scout is still searching for. And I'm praying he finds that as well. I know it took me a while too when I was his age.

All of this, is just a reminder that I need to be sure I am talking to my kids...and I know their hurts and I pray for God's working in their life. Scout is loud...and can make you think that he is sooooo all that. But inside, like so many other young teens, he too just wants to know who he really is. I can tell you who he is. He is a child of the king...and anything you can buy!


Jennifer Giadrosich said...

Yuck!! I am NOT ready for that stage of life!! But keep blogging Shannon, I'm learning from you for when it is my turn and I LOVE the details.

Distybug said...

I dealt with that myself about 10 years ago. I finally realized that I have to surround myself with like minded people. If I'm around people with lots more stuff, I get discontent. You're right about Jesus being the only one to give us the "stuff" we need. He just has to work through it. I'll be praying for him. It's pretty cool that he will talk to you about it though, considering his age!