Sunday, August 31, 2008

My life is gooooood.....quote from Nacho Libre.

This weekend, we went to Nashville to my brother-in-laws 40th Cuban Bday Bash. It was GREAT! If you know my sister in law - you know the decor was FAB and the party scene was like something out of a magazine. Very FUN! I am sure my sis-in-law Kelly will post some pics on her blog soon, if not already. She took some great ones! The party was awesome and even included a tribute to Ken with videos and pictures - awesome stuff! The cups for the party were custom made with a picture of a pig being roasted and the line...My Life is Gooood, by Nacho. If you have not seen that movie...staring Jack Black. You've missed a fun one. Now, I will warn you -- major boy humor and lots of 'gas passing'. BUT...I cannot tell you how many times that movie is quoted in my house. And as you can see, its a family thing - over in Nashville too! Don't count it out...its fun if you have older kids and you like pointless, silly humor!

I took a few - not many...and plan to play them on a slide show and add to my facebook for fun too. But for are few just for fun of what we did yesterday.

The birthday boy is the one on the left - my brother in law Ken. As guests arrived, the men received Fedoras and the ladies, flowers for their hair or to pin on their clothes. Max still has his on today!

To make this an authentic Cuban Party, they built a pit for a whole pig. Yes, they went and got the pig...carried it home....gross....had to do some stuff to get it ready....and was eaten. I will say it was amazing and everyone loved it. Just gross to look at!

Ok..this one is totally for my friend Laura. I am laughing now thinking of your reaction!

Nick and my nephew Alec playing yard games. I think this is funny - because both of them...have really girly mom's that like to look to MATCH for goodness sake. They did not get their fashion sense from their mothers. Kelly...can I get an AMEN????

Like I was just a great time...wish it could have been longer! But...we'll enjoy time with them again soon I hope! nephew who is a Sophomore at Ravenwood High school in Brentwood, TN - is playing for the Varsity Team there. If you click on Kelly's blog, you'll see some great pics of him too! Don't you love blog surfing and coffee at night????? Alright....bye for now!

My dog Abby - riding shotgun while Nick and Max slept in the back. What is she saying? "My life is gooooood....rrrreeeaaaaalllll good".

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