Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Growing Pains

I am traveling right now and as I wind down from a day of clients, I can't help but think about my youngest son and his growing pains. I am wondering if he's walking downstairs to tell his daddy that he has them again. Almost every night he comes to me and says either his shin hurts or his foot hurts with growing pains. What do we do? Just like my mom did....I get out the trusty Absorbine Jr. and all the pain goes away. So far, I've done this with all three boys. Scout would probably wish for more growing pains since he finds himself to be way too short. But don't tell him I said that. Anyway...

Last night, as we were applying the 'green magic', Max looked at me and said, "Mom, I am just growing all the time. And sometimes Mom, it just hurts". I laughed at first, but after I re-tucked him in....I thought...Wow... you are right Max, sometimes growing up does hurt. Growing in Christ can hurt sometimes too. Mainly for me, because I am learning to die to myself and become more like Christ. Those times can be costly to my selfish will. But oh....the prize so satisfying.

I look at my older sons after thinking about Max's words and I think.....wow.....if only a medicine bottle could make things easier for them. But...where would the growth be in that? Just like me....when I was a teenager, they have to and NEED to walk through their time of growth and listening to the Lord with their own ears and heart. What is hard, is when those times include hardship, trial and consequence. I wish I could take that away from them. But back to their growth...and that sometimes means growing pains rights? And me? As the mama....I'll keep praying and being there for them, always seeing the little boy in them...even when a more grown up version is standing in front of me. And I'll long for the days of rubbing legs with Absorbine Jr. all over again. But this one thing I do know, He is faithful and hears my prayers and your prayers for our children. Even when we as human parents feel helpless and like we are losing control as they grow older. He is faithful to them...just as he was to us. Thank you Jesus. I love Philippians 1:6 for my kids. I love it for me too, but thinking about the boys, I'm reminded when I begin to doubt that He will finish what he started and he has surely started a good work within their hearts and lives. So even when I being to question....I know this.

Philippians 1:6
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.


Kelly J said...

Great Blog....3 DAYS AGO!!! Ok..I need a new blog from you....maybe something with pictures from your last work trip! It's TIME!!!!

Wayne Ratliff said...

I also remember someone else who needed the "sorbine jr." when they had growing pains. If we didn't have absorbine jr. we used baby oil and that seemed to work just fine as well. Max and I talked about this on the way to Scout's game Thursday and he has his own ideas about the subject. It was a great night spent with both Scout and Max.