Saturday, August 23, 2008

Conversations with Strangers

Last night, I flew home and was so thankful to be back in Birmingham. I had a great week and a successful trip for work, but coming home....feels better than anything. I'm enjoying being at home with two of my boys today as it rains. However, its much less rain than what I had all week in Orlando! That was severe!!!

While I was in Orlando, I met a woman that I sat beside at our closing luncheon. As we sat together and began the usual get to know you questions, she mentioned that her business was going quite well since she divorced her husband. I guess I looked surprised, because she then offered alot of the details as to why her husband was so awful. He was a verbally abusive person from what she said and told me her kids agreed. I truly didn't know what to say...but I knew whatever it needed to count. Literally, the only thing that seemed to make sense was, "I'm so sorry". As I spoke those words to her, I just patted her hand and looked away for a moment. When I looked back at her, I noticed her eyes were filling with tears. As I really was not OK. I then said, "you are not ok are you". She insisted she was and told me that her kids were simply coming out of their shells and she was better than she had ever been in her life. I still wasn't buying it. There was a sadness in her that just could not be ignored. She had been married for 22 years and the divorce was just final 4 months ago. I asked her if she had a home church in Texas where she was from. She didn't. She said that she had never really found a church that was 'for her'. So I said, "So you do believe in God...and Christianity for that matter.". To both of those...she said, "Oh yes! I'm Christian, but just fell out of the habit of going to church when my kids were little. I stay so busy". When she said that,I told her I definitely understood the busy thing..and sometimes, when life is crazy the only thing that can help me is without a doubt, Jesus. But there are those times....when I need Jesus with skin on....and many times,that has been my church family. Being part of a body of believers that come together often (weekly) to praise, study, fellowship and recharge.... is something I don't do well without. I went on to tell her the benefits of finding a church home and how you find encouragement there when dealing with divorce, death, sorrow....and celebrating the joys in life too.

It's Saturday and she is on my mind today. I'm wondering if she is back in Texas and if she is thinking of that short coversation she had with a stranger...and how she shared some very personal information with that gal from Alabama (me). I pray that my words encouraged her....and that the holy spirit continues to work in and around her - that she hears His voice telling her to find a place to worship. To find community and share life with those who love her and the Lord too!

Alright....I'm going to wash several loads of laundry now. But you know what? I am thankful.....I've actually missed my household chores these past few days. Going away does remind me how blessed I am...when I come home! is Saturday and its rainy which I love. I'll watch a sappy movie, fold some laundry and drink coffee while the boys hang with their friends.

I love being home. I hope my new friend in Texas finds happiness in her home as well. And as far as church homes go....I'm excited to be a part of my new church. It's very much a new experience for my family. We've never been part of a church plant before. But we are so excited God is using us in this way. If you want to know about our new church, click HERE. A2 is our name and I promise, you'll find Jesus with skin on here!!

Psalm 122:1
I rejoiced with those who said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the LORD


Jennifer Giadrosich said...

I love you shannon!! You're so great! That's all I can say.

Shannon Johnson said...

Jen...I'm telling you I am not great. But He is you know? I feel like with our new church and all that has been going on with me is like screaming just talk with people. And girl, if you would have sat with this woman....she was so hurting for someone to love on her!!! You would have done the same thing. :) Love you girl....