Alright.....there are several books out there that address this already...but I am going to use the world of blog readers to try and get some answers. SERIOUSLY....when did it become even an option for my boys to address me as "Dude". The son I am referring to is Max. Though he is just 9...he acts so much older at times. I don't mean that necessarily as a compliment to his maturity. I am referring to the older part like a teenager in the smarty phase! you are with me.
Anyway, the other day while with his friends I called out for Max to stop doing something. I truly can't remember what it was. He looks at me and just says, "Dude....we're just blah blah blah..." I didn't hear another word. I thought...Dude??? I let the first one go. (that was a mistake....because there was soon a second dude)
Bottom line - we are having to crack down on this rising attitude. It's like it has just come out of nowhere. Please don't get me wrong!! He is still a sweet boy and precious as ever...just in need of a little soap in the mouth if we can't put this to rest soon. I think because he's our third....we are defiantly more relaxed with him...and sometimes...that is just not good. Not good for Max - because he doesn't learn that respectful attitude he should embody. You know?
Look at that little face??? Can you just picture that little face calling me Dude? Ok...those of you who know my family well, probably are not as surprise as I seem to be right now. I guess I've just woken up to find....we need to reign him in a bit. I need to find a Bible Verse to tape on the mirror in the boys bathroom. What have some of you used in the past to get your point across???
Anyway....word to all you mothers out there....we are not now nor will we ever be let's not allow them to call us that ok???? Any advice for me??? Seriously.....
Well, we are right there with you. I think that consistancy in the word is important as well as standing your ground as a mom. I think I've heard you say this more than once - but we are not here to be liked by our kids at all times! You are a good mom. Remind me of that too next week after Colby gets home and the fighting begins again!!! loves
Psalms 27:4
As a man thinketh in his is he. Meaning...if Max feels like he's a smarty....he is a smarty. That doesn't sound like I mean for it too. Battlefield of the Mind for kids is great. I would pick that up and let it help you choose how you teach your kids when you discipline them. He is at such a great age for him to soak all this stuff up. You know he's a good kid. He cracks me up. But I can see where if you don't stop him now, he'll think he rules the world! One day he can, just not when he's 9! LOL
Sorry....I didn't know I'd be anonymous anonymous!!! This is Melanie. Sorry girl.
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