Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ooops! a big part of what we do around here. This morning, Kevin and I tried NOT to laugh as we were enjoying coffee in the kitchen waiting on boys to have some breakfast. Max walked in the kitchen holding up a zip lock bag. The moment he held it hit us...Oh yeah, that is the bag he showed us last night, BEFORE HE PUT HIS TOOTH IN IT AND PLACED IT UNDER HIS PILLOW! I felt horrible...Kevin started giggling and turned around, which then gave me the giggles too. Max was not laughing.

Anyway, Max just stands there, holding it up...kind of tapping his foot and says, "uh-huh...this is exactly what happened to Alex, 5 times in a row!". Now some of you may be thinking that he is much too old for this. I know he is in the 4th grade - but we enjoy it as much as he does. To this day....we have not had the Santa talk. We love it as much as he does. Now, we totally know he knows there is no fairy giving cash for teeth....(I hope he knows this) nor is there a man in red suit leaving presents. He has two older brothers...and probably knows more than I know that he knows! But our house, as far as Max is concerned, the tooth fairy lives on. So, as Max headed for the bus this morning, we hear, "I'm leaving my tooth under my pillow again, in case she comes while I'm at school". Ah....suggestions!

So, just like when Scout was 5 and we forgot the tooth fairy visit....our tooth fairy leaves very nice - customer service apology letters. We really did write one to Scout that totally apologized and gave him some money the night after we forgot. I thought I would share this one that the tooth fairy is leaving for Max today while he is at school.

Dear Max,

Please accept my apology for not visiting you and taking your tooth last night. I now have more than 400 million teeth that I collect on a nightly basis. As you can imagine, the work is overwhelming. I've tried to hire assistants and they never really work out. I usually get reports from children that the assistants I've hired don't collect the teeth or give the children money - but instead they play the kid's video games and use the money to buy presents for themselves. Good help is so hard to find.

I don't usually make afternoon house calls - too risky for me usually. But I understand you are concerned about being skipped over 5 times like your friend Alex. That is a situation I feel I should explain more to you. Have you seen Alex's room? He has Legos covering his floor. I actually tried to see him, but while entering his room I thought I had the wrong place because it looked to be just a junk room. To my mistake he was inside! Anyway, it took me a while to get him back on the schedule. So, my advice to you is keep the Legos off your floor and things like that might not happen to you. Thank you for the tooth! I think we are just about done with our visits aren't we? I don't think you'll be losing too many more teeth. I kind of hope not anyway. I'm sad....I've enjoyed visiting you. You are special and a really cool kid!

Love, The Tooth fairy

1 comment:

Jennifer Giadrosich said...

That made me laugh out loud!!

But I must be emotional because I got tears reading the tooth fairies letter, how sad no more tooth fairy visits....