Friday, August 21, 2009

Are you ready for some football????

I love this time of year! Not that I am huge fan of football itself. But, I am a huge fan of friends and gatherings and tailgating in general. So fun! If you know me even a little bit, you are probably familiar with the fact that my house will never turn down company or a party! So tonight is fun in our house for two reasons. One, my husband has his official NFL Fantasy Football draft. He takes this very seriously along with the other men that play with him. Now, this group of men started as a small group of a church we attended a few years back. All in the name of men's ministry right? Well, they all became friends and they are still playing years later. They literally gather in a room and have draft drawings, trading and so on. All I know is that every Packer accessory we have is packed in Kevin's car to be used tonight to decorate 'his area'. I love this for him!

Tonight for me will be the Spain Park Jamboree. Our son Scout will play for the first time as a highschooler. He is a wide receiver on the Freshman team and he is psyched! Here is his game face...

Cute face....

This was his first 'wear your jersey' to school moment. I am sure it was a good morning. And while I am excited for him, I prayed for my oldest today as he went to school without his football jersey today. He's played football since 6th grade and has loved it. This past year, at the end of his junior year, he decided not to play anymore. Though he had a fun 'free' summer of no practice - he felt a twinge of sadness this morning. His best buds still in their jerseys today....and he's not. I know he made the right decision for him - but I also know what he felt today and will feel tonight at that first kick off. Say a prayer for boy if you don't mind. Actually say a prayer for both Scout and Nick. Scout - that he plays well and stays safe. Nick, that he has joy and confidence in his decision and that its not as hard as I imagine it might be. Oh...a mama's heart.

Earlier this week I blogged about the first week of school but had lost Max's picture. Well, here it is! Better late than never. Oh...check out the shoes. Max has never asked for anything in particular when it comes to shoes - but this year...he wanted Vanns. How fun for me.....kicking it old school....back to the 80s and my day!

Is he not cute? He may look 10 years old...but his wit is years beyond 10. He cracks us up! Thank you God.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

When a song speaks to you

Do you ever hear a song and just feel that 'Oh man...that's me' feeling? I am so preoccupied with one song as of late. I love the lyrics. I love the portion of the song that every season....because there are so many season to all of our lives. In every season....the full, the dry, the hard, the bountiful....there is a reason to sing. This song is an encouragement to me to sew into lives of others because of all of those who have sewn into mine - for such a time as this.

The Desert Song

This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides

This is my prayer in the fire
And weakness or trial or pain
There is faith proved more worth than gold
So refine me lord through the faith

I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and he is here

This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conquerer and co-heir with Christ
So fill my his promise ill stand

I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and he is here

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have reason to worship

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and he is here

And this is my prayer in the harvest
And favor and provence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow

You can listen to the whole song here....

What seen can you sew today?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A New School Year

Well, I am a bit late with the whole first day of school picture thing! They've been in school for an entire week now. At least I did take pictures on that first day...I just didn't share them with anyone. So...for my mom and others that keep up with my blog....wait no are the handsome boys of my house on our first day.

Max was so excited. (I can't find his pic right now...when I do...I'll add it! LOL) Typical 3rd child situation. HA! Anyway, he loves being in 5th grade. I'm a bit sad mind you....I can't believe we'll soon leave the school that has been a part of our lives for the last 12 years beginning with Nick. Seriously, this school has been a blessing. Filled with Christ loving teachers and teachers who just plain love their jobs and our kids. So blessed! Speaking of being blessed - Mr. Chaffin has driven the school bus that picks up outside our house ever since Nick was in 1st grade. After he got to know Nick - he truly looked forward to welcoming Scout on his first day of K5 and then Max. With Max he simply opened the door on the first day of school and said, "Well, little buddy...its about time!". Made my day just a bit better back seeing him on the first day of my baby's last first day of elementary school...(did you follow that??)...was a welcome sight.

My handsome teenagers....

It was kind of an odd feeling watching Scout jump in the truck with Nick. Not needing me to take him to school...HIGH SCHOOL on the first day! I remember my first day of high school. And...if I remember it correctly, I rode with my friend Tonya and her dad took us. We were soooooo nervous going inside - but we did it together! Scout rode with his brother - went to breakfast with some other seniors....and they thoroughly enjoyed having a Freshman around, then met up with his bud where they entered the school to tackle their first day. I hear was a good day. I love these boys and am so proud of the young men they are becoming.

At the beginning of each school year I ask God what specifically I can pray for over each of my boys. I ask him to be specific with me. I can think of alot of things to pray...but I want to hear straight from God what my kids need. I want the holy spirit to quicken my heart each time one of my kids needs encouragement, joy, strength...whatever! My heart grows heavy when I think of what their generation is faced with daily. Some people say things are the same as they were when I was in school but I disagree entirely. I did not have near the pressure my teenagers have. Don't get me wrong...I had my share of trouble - but it certainly came with less consequences than the trouble of today's kids. My thoughts anyway. So as I was praying this summer - I was drawn time and again to the book of Colossians.

Colossians 2 in this;

Colossians 2: 1-7
I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments. For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

My desire for my children as well as others is that they are encouraged in heart, unity and LOVE.....that they know the fullness of God, that they are complete in understanding how much God loves them so that anything...ANYTHING that would tempt them to stray or water down their convictions will not hold a candle to what they know to be true and real with their God. That are rooted in their faith, firmly. When I read the book of Colossians, I can just feel Paul's struggle for a church and group of people that he loves dearly. He loved them so much he was overwhelmed with how he wanted God's best and God's joy for them. And he sees how the enemy is working against them.

Now that my oldest is a senior I see year after year how prayer is THE MOST important thing I can offer my kids. I can buy them clothes....and can make sure they have friends and are social.....but if I don't pray for them I am missing opportunities to help protect and guide them as only God I listen to his leading. Something else that I feel strongly about is taking prayer walks around their schools. Praying over the campus and for what they may encounter. Praying over their teachers - classmates - friends - lunch time - conversation - tailgating - anything that comes to mind. Just praying - offering up a petition of protection and favor over my kids and their friends.
My encouragement to you is to pray....keep journals of your prayers over your children and then take time to thank God for all he's done in the lives of your children as you see those prayers answered. When you see all the times you've been protected from crazy situations - recognize that as the hand of God...not just coincidence. This doesn't mean your kids will never stray, nor does it mean that you'll never experience heartache. Believe me. But what it does mean - is that when things happen -you have the benefit of knowing God is there and you've seen him work in the lives of your kids before...and he'll do it again. He will. The past few years have had both great and pretty crazy times for us. But through each - I've seen God's hand and felt his love carry me through all sorts of things. I love journaling for that reason alone - being reminded of the many ways God is faithful.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:6-7

Monday, August 10, 2009

Time Flies.......

Wow! I guess the summer has flown by faster than I thought, because its been well over a month since I've blogged about ANYTHING. There have been so many fun things...and so many life lesson situations that could have made great blogs, but here I am...over a month since the last post....and I wonder where to start.

After we met my sweet niece, Addie Grace, in Nashville - we hit the floor running with summer activities. Nick and Scout went to summer youth camp in Florida and Max went to summer camp that same week. It was awesome for all 3 boys. Awesome for me and Kevin too! Home alone was great....quiet....but GREAT! Here is a picture of Max from his summer camp week. Do I even need to mention that he came back a 10 year old boy?

I like this one. This is when I was about to leave. The fake mustache, glasses thing? Well, that is something he thought would entertain the ladies. Not kidding.... He did not get that from Kevin, thank goodness.

Soon after we all got home...and settled back into a routine, the call that I have been dreading finally arrived. It was a little after 6am on Friday morning, July 17.
My sweet Nana had passed away. I think I'll remember that date forever. Many of you have been praying for my family since February when my Nana first went into the hospital. She spent the months following that incident in nursing homes and rehab centers. Its been a long 5 months to say the least. But as prepared as I thought I was, the words my father spoke just kind of went in one ear and out the other. And I just sat there and thanked him for calling. I think I asked how my mother was....but I don't remember alot after that. Kevin was there for me and did everything he could do to make me feel better. We woke the kids up and told them one by one and they each had their own reactions. And though we all respond so differently to things like this....we were all just sad.

I was fortunate enough to have a few hours to myself that day. And in those hours, I allowed myself to cry. Uncontrollably at times - and then laugh....and then cry some more. It felt good to do all that too. Believe me. It would be right when I would think there were no more tears to cry...that I would find just a few more.

That night, a sweet friend brought dinner to my family and we ate together at my mom's house. We talked about Nana and laughed alot too. Then of course....we'd cry some more. The following days were filled with funeral planning....and then the funeral on that following Monday. The 4 days of Nana's passing, funeral planning and then the funeral seemed to go by so fast. Its almost been a month and in some ways I just can't believe she's gone. I think it will be that way for a while. But I am so thankful for the friends that reached out to us during that time. We felt the love. My entire family did. Thank you so much to all of you! You know who you are. :)

I have a couple of great thoughts that I want to blog about at a later time. But I feel so behind on my blogging right now....that each post would be WAY long if I wrote everything I was thinking. I'll save some thoughts for another time....and another night when I am not trying to get back into the swing of routine. Like I said in the beginning....the time flies...and my summer is over and the kids are going back to school.

In the middle of the chaos, and the loss we've experienced, I've been reminded how good God is. How amazing living life can be. thankful I am to be blessed with friends and family that love me so. Life is good, even if I'm never, ever going to be caught up on my laundry. Amen?

And in the midst of the sadness, there has been MUCH to thank God for as well. God has been doing great things inside me as well as others within my family. I am humbled and amazed watching God work within me and those around me. I am so thankful for all he is doing. I guess there really is a season for everything. God's timing is beautiful.

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
Psalm 1:24