My oldest son has had his eye on a 'prize' for quite a while now. He wants a Martin guitar. Until he asked for one, I had NO IDEA what that was. But now....I am in the know.

This is a Martin. Yeah...its a guitar to me too. BUT....to my 16 year old, it is the Holy Grail of all guitars. He asked for one for Christmas, we laughed and said..."no seriously." We were discussing when he would finally get his own laptop....and we mentioned maybe for graduation. He quickly asked if a Martin would be a better choice for a graduation gift. You get the picture. He wants one bad!
Last night, Nick wanted to just go for a drive and of course I said....Let's go. Anytime a teenager says "mom do you want to go for a drive"...YOU SAY YES. It does not happen that often, especially with sons and moms. So I was total game. Had no idea where we were going and it didn't matter. I suggested we go to Guitar Center to look around. That is one of his favorite things to do. Well, it was closed. But he did go on to tell me how I really needed to see that guitar. Afterall - this particular one was only $600. I was thinking...that Dooney I was looking at is ONLY $300, but that is another blog!
As he was talking about this guitar...it was obvious how passionate he was about it. Oh the things this guitar could do for his 'sound'. I said, "You really want that guitar don't you?". "YES. YES...you have no idea how bad". We laughed. So I said, "Ok...I tell you what, you get straight A's before the end of the school year either this grading period (which will not happen) or the last and I will buy you that guitar". At first....he was shocked into unbelief. THEN...he said, "I can't do that". So he became a very bummed 16 year old. Then came the discussion. The why can't you do that. Why would that be so hard? It is totally in your hands...all you have to do is work like you have never worked before. So I said..."Nick...do you want it bad enough to work hard enough for it?"
The answer was that he really did want it...but the work to get it...seemed overwhelming. Too much. Now, I will tell you that Kevin is going to challenge him to do it. He loves the fact that if he does it...the guitar is going to be bought with my money. This means my allowance must be saved for a guitar that may or may not be bought by the end of May. Some of you might think that I am crazy to even offer that as a reward. BUT...it has been so long since I've seen my teenager passionate about working hard for anything. I want to see a 'drive' in him. I want to see him understand and appreciate the value of working hard for something you feel is important. I personally think its a lost lesson. In fact....as much as he wants this guitar.....I'm not so certain he'll take me up on the offer. It flat out might be too much work. I am saying that about a child who tests in the 97 percentile of the state and is pretty happy with As, Bs and Cs. In his words...Its all cool. Or not....to me and Kevin anyway. GRRRRRRRR. Anyway.....
Well, as I was driving to work this morning. I was feeling frustrated about him not jumping up and saying "Yes...I am so going to get straight As. Thank you MOM!". I began to consider the feelings God has when he says "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it"and I say...."Oh...I want to...I wish I could....but I just can't do that right now. That would be so much work for me...and so much to give up. Do I really have to do that now??"
What is it worth for me to find my life in Christ?? Seriously....how many things in my life should I deny so that I can find my life in him? I feel that I have a close walk with my Lord. I love him with all my heart and I desire to walk in him daily...every minute. But...there are times I make choices and I think....maybe I should not have done that. Or maybe I think...well I deserve that...or I needed to do that or wanted that...Whatever. I have a hard time sometimes laying down things that I desire but may not be right for then...or any other time. I want a life in Christ with joy unspeakable that won't go away!!! (I love that song! We sing it at church and it stays in my heart all day!) I want a life that in the end...leads to the ultimate prize. So...the question is, do I want it bad enough??? Hmmmmm
1 Corinthians 9:23-25 (New International Version)
I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
1 comment:
Lots of wonderful, meaty things there to think about. I love it. I'm challenging myself, and these are such good reminders. I need to read this ever morning... And please, please, please, go see my hubby, Allen, at Fretted Instruments in Homewood before you buy a guitar. I'll tell him you're coming! ;)
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