First of all, thank you so much for praying for my sweet grandmother. There are so many people who have called, emailed and others who have just prayed for Nana. The prayers have been so evident. Not only for my Nana's health, but we have felt such peace as a family at a time when peace is not the first word you would use to describe a situation. I love this picture of us. It was taken at Buffalo Wild Wings this past October while we were meeting my parents there to watch football. Amazing what only a few months time can change.
One of my main concerns during this entire time has been my mom. She is an only child and has taken care of Nana for the last 10 years...maybe more. Nana has lived with my mom and dad and has truly relied on both of them for everything. Especially as her Alzheimer's became so present. My mom lost her dad when she was just a girl. Not that her father passed away, but he just left one day. When that happened, my Nana and my mom became a team. They are extremely close. I grew up seeing that in a big way. My Nana was always around for family events, lazy days, summer trips, name it and she was there. So, the thought of my Nana passing on is so hard for me to comprehend what my mom might feel. I've blogged before about how present she was in my life....but compared to my mom, that is nothing. I always worry about my mom in times like this. Anyone would. I'm also the naturally...its what I do in the birth order right???
Anyway, back to 'peace'. It has been amazing to witness my mom have such strength that can only be possible through God. We have amazing family and friends who have reached out to not only me, but my parents as well. Praying, calling, visiting, sending food......whatever. That is truly a blessing of community. My mom also shared with me that she has had people who work on staff inside the hospital pray with her. WOW! When is the last time that has happened to you??
Last Thursday, we gathered at the hospital to say goodbye. Kevin and I were not prepared for what we would see early Thursday morning. As prepared as I thought I was, walking in to the room was a reality check. She was unresponsive in every way. She could not hold my hand, talk to me, look at me....nothing. And after realizing this...I became overwhelmed at the thought of her being gone. We cried alot that day. But as the afternoon came around, we had all resolved ourself that she would no longer be with us after that day. She was literally that bad. Kevin and I knew we would need to get the boys and let them say goodbye. We did, and that was so hard. It was hard for them to do it...and it was hard for us to watch. It was most intriguing for me as a parent to see the very different way each of boys expressed their feelings. At the end of a very long day we went home wondering when we would get the call.
The next morning, surprised there was no call - we called my parents and found that Nana was doing better. Not out of the woods...but she was improving. For the sake of time here - I won't take you through every next hour in that day, but I can end this part by saying by the end of the day, she was off her breathing mask, she was sitting up and she was more than responsive. She was amazingly feisty and giving us all the 'what for' because she wanted her teeth back and she wanted some food. No kidding.
Sunday, she was moved out of Intermediary Care. Yesterday, we visited her and found that she had been listening and singing to the Anne Murray CD we took her on Thursday. She had been singing Amazing Grace with her nurse. To further give you and idea of her 'spirit' she led my mom, me and the boys in a rousing rendition of "I feel good" by James Brown. She would sing the 'I feel good' and we would have to respond with 'Da Da-Da Da-Da Da'. Believe me, she'll be a fighter until the day finally comes that she can't sing another note. Then...we'll know she is singing in heaven...and she will really feel good!
Don't get me wrong, we still need prayer as she has continued breathing problems and many other health issues that are facing her. Unfortunately, when she was transferred to Intermediary Care, they gave up her bed in the rehab / Nursing Home so I am not certain what lies ahead for mom in the way of arrangements. Maybe that is my next prayer request. Please pray that my mom has favor with everyone she speaks with whether that is hospice, nursing home...whatever. There is alot to handle over the next few weeks I am sure. Whatever happens, I know we are in the palm of his hand...and his time. I say about most everything I run into...It's all good. Or at least when its really will be.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4
A Time for Everything
1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
Thank you for praying! Thank you for being a friend!!
That just broke my heart and made me smile too. I can just picture the "I Feel Good" song. I have thought about you all so much this week, and just prayed for you all. I'm still praying, especially for your mom. I didn't know that about her dad, and that makes so much sense. It helps me know how to pray for her. Love you, girl, and praying for you.
thank you my precious daughter. how i love you! thank all of your friends for me for their thoughts and prayers. this has truly been a blessing in so many ways. i have met so many people who have truly blessed me through prayer, total strangers! thank you melanie for coming to the hospital and for your prayers. thank you becky for the delicious supper you provided. i have your dishes and really want the receipe for the vegetable casserole. thank you all who have prayed for our family. i may not know you but i love you through CHRIST OUR LORD. i'm typing with my left index finger because my right arm is broken. please forgive the mistakes.
here is a shout out to my precious daughter shannon, kevin, nick, scout, and max. they are my world, my very heart. i love you all soooo bad!last but certainly not least, to my precious husband wayne, thank you sweetheart! without your support, i could'nt do this.
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