Each year, I love creating our Christmas card. Its fun for me. Seriously.....I love it. I also love the craziness that is always behind the picture that nobody really sees but us. It takes a lot to for all 5 of us to take a good picture together. I used to dress us all in matching outfits - and take a cute, serious photo.....not any more. That stressed me out too much. You would think that making the boys dress alike for even just 30 minutes - was major torture. So...we adapted. It was either that....or keep creating these pictures that my kids NEVER looked forward to! What a fun family moment that would have been.
Anyway, we now enjoy silly pictures and we all discuss ideas and what would be fun. The ideas are hysterical sometimes! This past week we finished our new picture - and the photo shoot did not disappoint. It was funny....and had a bit of stress too. But not like the stress of the 'matching sweater' days. But...there was some stress when I was wanting to do something serious for a moment. But....looking back, I love how the boys crack each other up and do stupid stuff. They are having a good time! They will remember that far longer than taking a silly picture. Unless....I totally freak out and scream....that they will remember...so I refrain, with the help of Jesus of course. (I'm serious) As we were finding the good pictures we took...I enjoyed the funny ones too. I am glad Kevin just kept clicking even when we were not ready - it captures some honest moments. All but one were funny....we were all laughing and being goofy....like this...
But then I ran across this one....when I was ready for them to be serious again. I cracked up...so did my friend Laura when I shared this with her. Such truth in one little picture.....can you SEE what I am feeling???
Could not be more real could it? But you would never see that on any card I would send out...you would only see the smiley face and perfect happy family. I couldn't resist sharing this with you and hopefully in some weird way....its an encouragement to you to say...you are not alone. Every mother and father gets stressed and sometimes loses it. Even when intentionally trying to create a special moment. Ha! You know exactly what I mean!!! Nothing is ever as perfect as it seems. Sometimes we have no idea what happens before that perfect Christmas photo is taken. That has been brought home to me lately in a big way. There are families we are close to going through more than we could have imagined....they looked so perfect on the outside, but they are truly hurting on the inside. So...offer more love and more kindness than you have before to them on this Thanksgiving. Remind our kids that they may think others have it so much better than they do...more stuff....more gadgets....but if they have the love and security of parents who love them - who spend time with them, they are rich far beyond those who don't.
You know...I am glad to tell you that the picture above is as crazy as I got this day....it was a silent show....just a pout only caught by my sweet husband. I didn't stop the silliness of the boys that day....believe me, they went on for a while. So....we joined in. And it was fun.....and it was real life in the Johnson house that day......
I love the candy cane on Max's ear in this one. Subtle.....sneaky.......where did he learn that?
So.....that is some fun from the Johnson house this week. And I guess you could say some silly, trivial....yet life making advice too. Remember, it doesn't all have to look perfect, be perfect, feel perfect...real life is fun, spontaneous and chaotic some times....enjoy it now before its gone! Oh....and don't be the stressed out mother during picture times that they will talk about to their future wives...OK??!!! We have a choice ya'll....Enough said???
OH I LOVE IT!!!! I really really do! We were super casual with ours this year. Zane's shoes are on backwards, Allen has a baseball cap on, Laney has on pink gloves with her red dress. We were picking out our Christmas tree and I just took some of the kids and Laney took one of us. I totally agree. Stressed out is not good at Christmas! I love how fun your family is, and what a great mom you are. Your face in that picture totally cracked me up!
That cracked me up!
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