Friday, August 29, 2008

Worth = Who you are in Christ

Yesterday, I posted about Scout's day and his feeling of total inadequacy. You know, the conversation I had with him, stayed with me all day. Last night, when playing on Facebook...and reading other blogs (while Kev watched the football game) I visited Vicky Courtney's blog as I usually do. She is the author of the book Your Boy. I've recommended the book several times and a few years back, I led a mom's study on raising boys using that book. It's a great tool! Anyway, Vicky has a great blog from yesterday, Warrior or Wimp: How not to raise a mamas boy. I immediately thought about my friend Julie. We both live in boy world 24-7. The video on Vicky's blog could easily have been at my house or hers. Seriously. Our boys most recently got together and made a potato gun using household items, PVC, aerosol cans and lighters....and yes...we rated the velocity of the shots once it was finished. I guess you can say, we just go with it!

Back to my first thoughts - reading Vicky's blog, prompted me to get out my book, Your Boy. I randomly opened it, and started flipping through all my notes and found a chapter entitled, Searching for worth in all the wrong places. Inside that chapter she reminds us that our boys are just as susceptible to body image problems than girls. She also tells us that our boys (like us) can rely on the world's equations for defining self worth.

Worth = What you look like
Worth = What you do
Worth = What other people think

If you have boys, I encourage you to buy this book. Often, I hear moms say how girls are so fragile emotionally and how their son is so easy because he's just a happy kid, doesn't care about stuff their daughters care about like clothes, looks etc. And while that may be true for some, its still inside some of those boys somewhere....even if they are quiet. Don't think that your son doesn't wrestle with those thoughts just because he doesn't talk about it. Remember, boys definitely don't talk as much as girls do....but they can silently struggle within.

Vicky ends that chapter talking about visualizing yourself as anyone in the world. She talks of a time where she spoke to a crowd of women and held a frame in her hand as she asked a few women to come up on stage and view the frame in her hand to see who she would pick to be....if she could be anyone in the world. This means not only looks - but who that person is in life - and keeping the stuff that person has too. :) As the women came up on stage - Vicky would ask them if they too would choose to be this person if they could be anyone in the world. To their surprise, when they looked inside the frame, they saw a mirror,with their own reflection staring back at them. Then Vicky would ask them the question, would you actually choose to be yourself if you could choose to be anyone.

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well

1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord said to Samuel; "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart"

Lastly...I have not posted pictures in a here are a few of our game last night. It was Scout's first game of the season..... not too much play time, but he got in there and seemed to cheer on his team even when standing on the sideline! That is a good thing too! Max...endured some funny stuff. There was a kid that felt the need to talk to Max and follow him everywhere.

This totally cracked me up. Max announced a few times he was just going to go for a jog...and when he would come back that kid would plop down right beside him again. I couldn't help but laugh. Nick was also there - kind of laughing at how funny it is that one person can have the ball and run it the length of the field for a touch down in one play. Oh...the days!

Even though he seemed to be annoyed, he was a great big brother after the game and took Scout seriously as he discussed his thoughts of the game and stuff like that. The van ride home was fun....and we were entertained by Nick's boy humor.....and I too...a very girly girl...found myself laughing and the laughter of my crazy boys! It was a good night and there were no tears. :) Life is good.

I love this one. It was cool to see both sides praying together after the game.

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