Monday, August 11, 2008

Deeper than just Olympics

Like most of you we have been totally engrossed in watching the Olympics. Our favorites so far have been Beach Volleyball and swimming. Both men's and women's divisions. It is amazing to see the strength and talent and total competitive spirit out there. Literally, we get to the point where we are yelling as they approach the last lap....or are set for the winning point. My hands have been totally sweating and clapping!!!

As we were watching Michael Phelps last night, he looked very serious didn't he? The day before he seemed to be a bit more light in spirit. There seemed to be just a focused mind yesterday - and that is good. He knew what he needed to do. I started thinking about his drive and actually...that lead me to thinking about his mother. did she parent and help channel that drive inside her son? I wish she would write a book! Is she a christian?? I want to know more. Anyway...I thought it was odd that Michael did not walk during the opening. I heard what they were saying about him wanting to save his energy - but miss a bit of the glory in opening. That seemed odd to me. But I guess to Michael, it was more about the race at hand...not just the 'short term' glory. Then again last night, when he came in 3rd in the qualifying round for one of the races, I thought....that is crazy. He looked like he was halfway swimming! What's wrong??? Again, I hear the commenters discussing Michael's strategy for saving his energy for the race that 'mattered most'. Oh.....again, wisdom on Phelps's part.

How many times do I place my energy on the least important parts of my day. Sometimes I get more involved in the things that 'seem' to be important and are showing others how busy I am...rather than the things that are really important. We are here to bring glory to our Lord. To bring others to know Him. That's pretty much it. It's not about how much we are liked or how successful we are. It's all about HIM and somehow, more times than not....I make it about me.

In all seriousness, I woke up this morning I want to think about the things that are most important and not waste my time or energy on the things that won't help me get there. I don't want to focus and waste time on the things that steal my energy from what I really want to do!

How I got this from the spirited competition of the Olympics? Only He knows. He knows that I need Him to speak to me in sometimes unconventional ways. It's just how I work. Maybe you too. Thank goodness our Lord knows each of us individually. Right??? All I know, is that I hear him saying, "Shannon, run toward the prize, not toward the stuff that won't last". So today....that is what I'll do. And tomorrow...I'll wake up and try to do the same!

Philipians 3:13 - 15

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you


Kelly J said...

My favorite part of watching Phelps' 1st Gold Medal swim was when they panned to his mother...she was screaming like he could hear her!!! Exactly what we would've done with our sons! Did you see them beat the French Team last night! We woke the neighbors we were yelling so loud!

Shannon Johnson said...

Girl....I so know what you are saying! We literally would jump on the couch. It has been good fun. Last night too...even though I think it might be getting old to phelps. Well...hopefully not!