Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Laughter is good for the heart!

Thank you....thank you very much...... could you hear that in an Elvis voice when you looked at the pic? Yeah, kind of creepy but my husband loves it! Those of you who know my husband know that he is a HUGE Elvis fan. I mean HUGE. We love that about him. I love that about him. He has some fun hobbies. His interest in Elvis and his creative mind led him to start a website for Elvis Impersonators a few years ago. It actually brought in money for our household through some of people that advertised on his site. For him personally, it has enabled him to tour Graceland with a 'press pass' and some VIP credentials. All fun for KJ. Let me just end with all that by saying if you have NEVER been to Graceland, call Kevin to be your tour guide...he truly is the best! If you have some free time, visit the website he started. It's been a while since he's added anything, but there is a short film he made with some Elvis Impersonators.

I was there for the filming, working as Kev's assistant. That in itself is a story for another day. It's still very surreal for me. Some of those people live in another world. The video is called A Hunk of Burning Elvi. You're intrigued now aren't you???? Kevin, if you are reading this, I truly love your fun side and I love how you are passionate about the interests in your life. (namely me!)

Anyway, I've shared in past blogs that my husband is a great gift giver. That being said, I like doing sweet things for him too. This Elvis Robot Head was my chance to do something really fun for him. We were flipping through the paper this past weekend and found that they were going to be at Tuesday Morning WAY WAY below what they were selling in the stores. Kevin saw it....and I could see it happening. He was thinking....Oh yeah....I need that! (If you were an Elvis collector you would understand. If you are not... liken the need to seeing that new animal print Dooney and Bourke and you'll feel the need...oh wait..that might be me....ANYWAY) So, what did I do? I made sure I was the first in line to get my man his Elvis Robot! :) I love you Kevin Johnson!

We set him up last night and all's creepy...but fun. We had some friends over for food and fun....and Elvis! What a trip. Thought I would share some of the fun with you. I'm still laughing, and kind of freaked out when I go downstairs and see the Elvis Head.

Kevin and his new friend.

David was teaching him to play cards with us!

Question: Where do I now put this head? Seriously..... We need an Elvis Room!

1 comment:

Wayne Ratliff said...

I TOTALLY agree with the 'Elvis Room"!!! I have my Buffett room, your Aunt Julie has her Elvis Room and even you had your "Princess Room". There is always room for something new, that's what I tell your mother about my Jimmy Buffett and beach themed items.

And as having Kevin as your guide thru Graceland, especially during Elvis Week in August, is great. I was in Memphis on business with a client from Denver who was also an Elvis fan and we both stayed the weekend so Kevin could come up and we could all three enjoy the event. I was amazed at the actions of some of the fans and see alot of similarities between Parrotheads and Elvis fans (The King Heads???). I enjoyed the trip very much, enjoyed spending time with my son in law, and will always remember that as a special time. Thank you Kevin.