Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I love these girls!!! I knew today was going to be really, really, great....and it was. I had lunch with two of the dearest friends in my life. I have been friends with these ladies for 30 years!! Crazy! We've not only grown up together and been in the same youth group at church, but we've been in each others weddings, thrown baby showers for each other and now....we are going through teen and tween stages with our children together. We had not seen each other in a really long time! It had been too long, but we picked right up without losing time. Those are good friends. We see each other periodically.....and we've vowed to make it more frequent. I am looking forward to spa day. Oh yes!

I love these ladies and I'm reminded of God's love for me when I spend time with them. He blessed my life with them years and years ago. They truly were friends that always encouraged me to grow in my faith, do the right thing and encouraged me to be a better person. While at lunch today we all talked about how thankful we are for our families and how our lives have played out. God is good.....and sends good gifts to those he loves.

Here we are back in high school (can you smell the perm solution???) We haven't changed that much.....seriously! That was 20 years ago. I can't wait to snap a picture in another 10 years!

Teaching your kids to be happy for others

So I've found lately that teaching your kids to truly be excited for someone else, can be a hard thing to accomplish. I've witnessed a couple of situations where I would not have thought my kids would act that way. One situation is from a few weeks back when the boys were still playing football. Scout and his buddy would jump in the car after practice and I would hear the friend say something like, "man, did you see me today? Did you see that catch I made?" and Scout's reply might be something like, "Dude, what are you talking about, I saw that fumble. I never saw you make a good catch....but did you see me? I was awesome". I would just cringe. Of course, after we let our friend out at his house - we would chat for a bit on giving a nice compliment or encouraging, "man you were good today" to your friend. I sometimes hear my kids return a request or need for encouragement with a statement that totally rides over the other person and pumps themselves up instead.

Last night at the Boy Scout Pack Meeting, this was more than apparent with our youngest Max. It was award time - and Max was all about that. Reminding us to be sure to get the picture of him accepting his award. He had been working on his Citizenship Award. Well, he got that award....but several of his friends got that one, plus a few more because they went to the Boy Scout weekend camp out. Max was crushed. We were supposed to go, but we had to cancel because the church that we are helping to start had its first Sunday that weekend. Max understands that...doesn't like it, but we explained our situation with this particular camp out. Anyway, the crushing moment came after we all sat down after the awards were given out and they called about 13 kids to the stage. They were ranging in age...and Max's antennas went up. "What is going on? Are they about to get something special?" he said, very seriously. As we watched, the Den Leader pulled out a bag of awards. The Den Leader then told us that because the weather was so cold during their camp out, each Scout that attended had earned their Polar Bear Badge. He went on to explain how this was most unusual because Scouts of this age don't typically camp in the coldness required to get this badge. Kevin and I watched Max's face - not only was this an award he could have was one he would probably not easily have the opportunity to earn again really soon. He was just down. Did not congratulate his friends. Didn't even speak to them. When the closing of the meeting came, you should have seen his ill fated attempt to cheer with his team for the spirit stick.

Now, I'm not saying I don't understand his sadness. That is not what I am saying at all. In fact what I am saying is that I am trying to find ways to be empathetic to that...yet still teach him to be a good friend by being happy when our friends win something we don't.....because we love them and we want the best for them.

What I come up with is this;

Philippians 2:1-4

1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

I remember reading this when I was in high school thinking could not be said any plainer. This is what I want for my kids - and yes...I realize they are not in high school yet and don't think beyond their age at times, but its my goal for them. So, each time we face one of these situations, I'll keep reminding them of this. I have to remind myself at times too. When I become envious of others - or feel a twinge of jealousy when good fortune comes the way of those I love. Instead of wishing it were me, I thank God for blessing those that I love so much.

I know its a process....and as a mom, watching it happen can be frustrating, and sometimes hard too. We want our kids to be happy and have everything...but sometimes everything doesn't help make us into the people we are to be. Losing and not getting what you want sometimes creates not only character but an attitude of thankfulness too. Learning to be thankful for what you have.....and happy for others when they have something you desire too. can be hard sometimes. Especially when you are a 10 year old and really, really want that Polar Bear Badge. I know that next time we go to Scout's and those boys have the Polar Bear badges sewn to their uniforms....Max is going to be tested. It will take all of his 'goodness' to tell his buds how cool they look on their uniforms. But, I'll pray he can do it. It will be a start and just another step in the process.

Monday, November 17, 2008

One week.....til craziness and wonderful memories too, I'm sure!

In exactly one week, we'll be rising early in Nashville, TN to hit the road and drive to Washington, DC. Yes...11 hours in the car! Oh, we did consider flying but after looking at the $2200 we would have to spend for the five of us, we decided driving was not that bad and it would be a memory they could cherish for years to come. Ha!

We are so excited! This whole trip has been a bit spontaneous and out of the blue for the boys at least. We've wanted to go for years, and have always ended up putting it off for one reason or another. But a few weeks ago, after I looked at our calendar, I called Kevin and said, "let's just go to DC - the kids are out of school for the entire week, nobody has football, church camp or anything else that is in the way". The one thing that was sad for us, is that we would miss Thanksgiving in Nashville with a flag football game on Thanksgiving morning. I am sure we'll wake up on TGiving morning with a sigh about that one.....but the week was just too perfect to NOT go to DC. Especially when we begin thinking.....we are guaranteed to have Nick in the house for 2 more Thanksgivings...this being one of the two. The hour glass containing his days with us at home are truly running fast!! So, we are grabbing the time and doing something fun.

Scout is sooooo excited. For him, this means quality time which is one of his love languages and he talks about the trip every day. Last night before he went to bed he told Kevin and I this would be one of the longest weeks of his life just waiting to get to the weekend before the trip. We've got great things planned...and have already heard from our State Representative's Office and secured our White House Tour tickets! Woo Hoo!

With all the craziness that this week will bring, I will look forward to the drive in the car with my family. There will be mad libs, movies, conversation, laughter and lots of arguing at times I am sure. Would it really be a road trip without at least one good fight among brothers????? Kevin and I will listen to our favorite music up front and we'll both talk about how great it is all the way there....we always do. And I am sure, once its over, we'll regret we had not done it sooner....but we were busy.....and I can't seem to remember exactly why we were busy and could not plan this trip. What a shame!

We are learning to make the most of every opportunity. Family and friends are two of the greatest blessings this life gives us to enjoy. Why not put those two things above schedules and other activities. I need to be reminded of that at times.

So this Thanksgiving.... I will be Thankful for my entire family....thankful for friends, my country, my church, for God's amazing grace and alot of other things too. But, I will be thankful to be in DC with my 4 favorite men in the world! (Dad, I have 5 with you included.....but I don't think Mom will let you get away for this one! On second thought, I am not sure you would want to do the car ride. Been there done that right???? LOL )

I am sure they'll be much to blog about soon.....I'm sure!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday are 10 and such a blessing to us!!!!

Last night as Max was heading to Boy Scouts, he asked me to take his picture. As we were flipping back through them....trying to find the perfect Boy Scout salute, I realized how grown up he is beginning to look. Kind of made me teary! He's my baby you know!! I need him to still be a baby for while. This picture makes me laugh because he's wanting to be so military....and while I appreciate the stern face, I giggle a bit at the darth vadar scarf holder!

Exactly one decade ago, I was just about to leave my home and check into the hospital. It was an exciting day for us because we were going for the inducing of our 3rd (and last) son, Maxwell. I remember being so excited about the hospital stay. I'm not kidding! I knew giving birth would be a pretty exhausting event....however, once that was done, there would be two complete days of rest in a bed where I did not have to get up unless I needed too. How crazy is that? AT the time, our other two sons were 7 and 5. Believe me, they kept us busy!

I remember little things about the day Max was born. It was also the day of my sisters birthday. She was in the delivery room with me...and almost fainted! What a birthday present to her. Ha! I remember worrying about the other two boys and Nick's homework too! He was in the second grade and had a big spelling test that week. My sister in law came down from Nashville to stay with the boys (and be in the room with us when Max was was truly a family event) and be the mom while I was away for two days with Max. She reassured me that she would work with Nick on the word mountain. Nick had a tendency to write mowntan instead of mountain. Nick got a 100 that week! Thanks Aunt Kelly!!!! I wonder if she remembers that as well.

I remember worrying about little Scout. He was excited...but there was a bit of him that did not want to share his mommy. However, he was the most intrigued with his new baby brother. I remember him always wanting to lay beside me and just touch the baby....all quietly while sucking his two fingers. It was like it was his way of saying...ok I'll share my mom and love you too...but I'm not going anywhere!!!

Its amazing the little things you remember....and sadly probably forget as well. Since the boys were born, I've kept a written journal for each of them. At first, it was a way to record important moments, precious memories and funny situations so I would NOT forget. I still enjoy going back and reading entries and crying a bit too.
But as the years go on, I realize that those journals are probably some of the most treasured things I own. I had intended to give the journals to my future daughter in laws on their wedding day. Um.....I am not so certain I can part with them. Maybe that can just be the 'something borrowed' and I can get them back???? No....that might not work. We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.
But today, as we celebrate Max turning 10, its like this feeling of no more babies in the house. I know he's not a teenager and he's not grown, but he's double digits. In our house...that's a big deal. And...if the past 10 years have flown fast will the next 10 years go? When Max turns 20, and his brothers are then 27 and 25. GOOD GRIEF......I surely will not be old enough to have sons of that age!!!!!! And all this keeps me thinking of a verse that I always share and I've talked alot about in other blogs, because seriously - I don't want to waste one day of this life I've been given;

Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom

I want to be wise with my days, enjoy every moment. There are days when I see things passing before me...and my typical reaction is to just stop...take a step back and sometimes run away with my family for a spontaneous weekend away or just stop doing the mundane things and just play a game with one of my boys. Do you feel what I am saying? Its so important to grab every moment of this life because we are not promised one more day. Each day is a gift and only the heavenly father knows how many days we'll receive.

Psalm 139:15-16
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

I am so thankful that I have the awesome privilege of being the mother of my boys. I've been entrusted with helping to raise 3 wonderful young men to grow and be godly men. Future husbands, fathers and mentors. And while I think I know them better than anyone on this earth - God has me beat. He knows their every thought........He knows how many hairs are on their heads.....and he knows every day that I will spend with them. And you know what? He is a good, good God.

So today, we are enjoying all things 10! We've decorated our kitchen to surprise Max when he comes down this morning for his 10 tiny pancakes! They'll be more 10 stuff too. So, off I go to begin the fun....journaling a little along the way. Tonight, I'll write in his written journal and have one more entry just for him.....and maybe just maybe I'll decide to give that journal to a future woman that holds his heart - but right now, that woman is me. But oh to day there will be a woman who loves him, as much as I love his father. And then to think that our heavenly father loves us more than we can ever even imagine loving someone??? Mind blowing.... that is overwhelming to me. Seriously!!!

This is a picture of Max and his birthday pancakes....taken after this cute I had to add!!!

Family shot at breakfast

Getting your big bro to take you to school on your really cool! Especially when he's picking up Krispy Kreme for your class treat!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Nick's Homecoming Pictures

Well, Friday night was big at the Johnson house! Not only did my husband have a huge Halloween fest....but our oldest went to his first homecoming. Though he's a junior, he's never asked a girl to ANY dance....that includes middle school. He tests me in that whole pushing your child thing.....whew. Anyway, I've always wanted him to go...even with a good friend and just have a good time. Well, he did and he said it was awesome. They went as a group and he had a great time....with a really great girl. I hope they stay friends for years to come!!!!

Aren't they cute?