I have to wonder about this one. Not that it is un-gentleman like to text but...has it totally destroyed the art of conversation? Before we go any farther, I will obviously use my kids pretty often in these life situations that I will write about. I told Nick what I was doing last night. He just laughed...I wonder if he'll laugh after I write a few more about him. We'll just have to see. Anyway, so I was talking to one of my boys (it wasn't Max) and he mentioned that he told a certain girl that she was beautiful. I was like Wow...you just said it? Thinking...that is a departure for my shy son. (now you know its not Scout) Then, it was all clear - he had sent a text message. A little different. As parents, Kevin and I are finding that sometimes our kids will text things that they would never, ever think of saying out loud. Its a false confidence of sorts. You feel like you can say anything...but you really aren't saying anything. You are typing. Its not the same. When you speak, the emotions flood in. How unfair for the boys of my teenage years. I mean, if they wanted a girl to know something...they would have to get the nerve to finally dial the phone number and ask her parents if he could speak to her....or write the note that the girl would eventually show all of her friends. Now that...took courage.
How do you feel about texting and do you talk to your teenagers about what they say or rather text to someone of the opposite sex? Do you periodically check their text messages to see what they are sending or receiving? Side note -if they have a camera...be sure you are looking at what they might think are funny pictures to keep on file. Some...might need some discussion. I only share this with you because we have had some talks with our boys. Not they have done anything all that terrible, but they need to be guided in how to use all of the technology they have in front of them. They won't get it right the very first time, they just aren't that perfect. If we as adults struggle to make the right decisions at times, how can we even think that just because we tell them once, our kids will from then on, just get it right?
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. I am holding on to that. Knowing that if Kevin and I keep them in God's word and teach them how to even use current technology as a young Christian man, that when they leave our house, they will be men of integrity. We just can't stop or think that our training doesn't include teaching our kids responsibility in texting or even email or myspace! It's all related....every bit.
I want to know if you have suggestions on things you do to teach text manners or encourage real conversations between your kids and their friends....what do you do??