Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!!

I have had a great Mother's Day! I hope all of you moms out there have too!! Mine started with just me and my 15 year old son. He got up and told me that if the power had not gone off...his alarm would have gone off....and then he would have made pancakes. But now, he is up after me, and we don't have eggs to make the pancakes and even if we did, would he really know how to make the pancakes anyway????? Ah....but isn't it the thought that counts anyway? YES - it is!

Though I didn't get the original pancake breakfast I did get a great card, handmade at that. It was very special and said all the things we want to hear as moms. He also sat with me in church. That was great too! Kevin and the boys got home today mid afternoon and we enjoyed some much needed, lay on the couch together, watch movies family time. I love having everybody home. That is the most wonderful mother's day gift. I love those days. I long for them!

I was able to see my mom today too. She and my dad took my grandmother to lunch for Mother's Day. My house was the second stop - and I provided dessert. Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake. My mom has been taking care of her mom for the last couple of years. She has Alzheimers and now needs more care than ever. My mom works during the day and then comes home to care for her mom. The roles are almost reversed now aren't they? The parent becomes the child again. I've heard other people talk about this and I've read articles in magazines before - but not until now did I truly 'get' what it means to become a caregiver for your parent.

What I see in my mom right now is someone who exudes patience and love. Someone who finds joy in every place she can with her mom because they are becoming fewer with each month that passes. I am also in awe of her strength. When my 'Nana' asks my mom the same question in front of me 5 times, my mom answers her each time with a dignified answer. She still shows respect for her mom. My mom is blessed to have my dad with her to help in the care of Nana. He also shows great love for her as he is with her each day. I truly believe both of my parents are who they are because they had loving mothers pouring their lives into them when they were growing up.

My mom is able to be this kind of person because her mom, my Nana brought her up to be a loving, empathetic, caring, wonderful person. She has those attributes because of her mom's care during her growing up years. I love and respect my mom and would do ANYTHING for her, because of my respect and love toward her. She raised me to be that way. She instilled respect and love for my parents inside the core of my being while she was 'training me in the way I should go'. As I get older that verse in the Bible means so much more to me. Not just spiritual matters, but also in the character of my children. If we train up our children to be good to others and to always think of others first, to respect their elders, talk encouraging and uplifting to others - that is the kind of people they will be. Now I don't mean they'll be perfect, but they'll have those ideals at the core of the person they become. Then, when they grow into situations that require much of them - like taking care of an elderly or sick parent, they will be able to walk that road with empathy and understanding. They will desire to give back.

I am beginning (at times) to see some of this 'pay back', if you will, in my sons. What I mean is experiencing them wanting to help me, appreciate me and love me in different ways. For example, when we were driving back from Winter Haven, Florida this past week we were both so tired! After 8 hours of driving it was well past midnight, and you know how driving is when you are tired and it is way late! Nick had been sleeping for a while in the back. Hearing the rain (STORM) he woke up and came toward the front. He off offerred to drive because he was worried about me being sleepy and wanted me to be able to rest. Ok...I didn't say what you are thinking!!! You are possibly thinking that I should have said, "Are you crazy??? You drive at midnight in the rain????". Although my thoughts were close to that, I was so touched that he offered and his concern for me was genuine - I told him I wanted him to get some sleep since he would take a test shortly after we got home. Promised him I was good and then he asked me to please at least get another cup of coffee. I did and we got home safe. But the point was, I've tried my best to raise him to think of others before himself. Sometimes I he gonna get it??? Just being honest with you. Then,things happen like that example I just shared and I think.....he gets it. I am so thankful.

It's a journey of teaching and a life's journey of various seasons where we see the influence of a loving mother. Thank you mom, for loving and teaching me. For not accepting bad manners, meanness and hurtful attitudes within me as I was growing up. Because of your constant 'mothering' when I was a child, I've grown into a caring mom myself, raising boys to be caring dads one day. Happy Mother's Day!

Proverbs 22:6
Point your kids in the right direction—
when they're old they won't be lost. (The Message Translation)

LOST - defined by Meriam Websters dictionary by the following definitions;

1: not made use of, won, or claimed
2 a: no longer possessed b: no longer known

Let us not EVER give up as mothers taking the time to teach, love and go beyond the basics while we are raising our kids. Those traits are things that will take them into adult life and will eventually....come back to shower us with many blessings as well!

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