Sunday, May 31, 2009

A New Creation......explained perfectly, in my little opinion.

I am so looking forward to church today. My dear friend Laura is getting baptized. I am so honored to be able to visit her church this morning and experience this moment with her. Truly its a privilege.

I met Laura in October of 2005. We began working together in November of 2005. God truly blessed me with an amazing friend when he put us together. In some ways, we could not be more different - but in other ways....we are sewn together for life! Bottom line...I love her and am so thankful for her. She has taught me so much about authenticity in the Christian Life. She does not pretend, nor does she ever aim to just 'say the right things' that some Christians have learned to do over the years. If she hears something about God that she doesn't necessarily understand....or comprehend, she says it. She wrestles with it. She digs to know and learn more. When she experiences something wonderful from God - she is giddy. She totally excites in the joy of the Lord. In times she just gushes and will seriously share it with everyone she knows.

True story - She came to a point in her Christian walk where she realized a few things she had not taken to heart before. ( I hope this does not embarrass my friend...but seriously, I think she would share this with you on her own. After all -- she wanted to put this in her baptism video to be shown at her church. However, the videographer, encouraged her to leave that part out. He doesn't know our Laura so well does he? Anyway.....) So...she came to a point when she seriously started learning what the bible had to say about sex. I will never forget her astonishment, like...'Can you believe this?' She then began to very boldly share that with the fact, anytime she felt someone would listen she would literally feel free to share with them what sex was really intended to be. I love that in her. She shares her heart with no pretense. She's authentic. How many times have you felt led to say something...or share something you learned about God and fear held you back? Why does that happen? to Laura....she can give you a kick in the pants!

All of this to say, that I read her blogpost last night about her baptism and I would love for you to read it. Click here for her blog - or you can click on the link to the right titled - This Ain't No Ordinary Fundraising Letter. Yep...she's going on her second mission trip this summer. Don't worry - she doesn't need anymore money....just click and read...and enjoy her posts. Wherever you are....whatever you've done or not done - God's love is for you and he never stops loving nor does he ever Go away. We go away...we move away from God and lose sight of his goodness, but he stays the same.

2 Corinthians 5:16 - 17
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Firsts and Lasts

Ok....its officially over. The school year that is. Today was the last day and it could not have gone smoother. I remember a few tears from Nick's last day of 8th grade.....but I am sure he does not remember that.

Last night -we totally did not have 'typical' bedtime time. In fact we watched Australia until a little after 11:00pm. We then proceeded to try and find an 11th grade chemistry book (which i wrote a $47 check for today).....obviously we did not find it! But how funny...down to the end with a bit of drama. But this morning was great. I made breakfast and we talked about the year a bit. They were all a bit excited and reflective in their own ways.

Scout - a bit nervous about summer football camp at the high school and then finally becoming a Freshman!

Max - was already missing his buds, and THE BEST TEACHER ON EARTH as he said, Ms. Howell. In fact...he hopes she decides to teach 5th grade next year!

Nick - Just ready to get those finals over and enjoy some summer. He can't believe he doesn't have summer football camp this year. He's not playing his senior he's looking forward to something.....just not sure what! I'm thinking of this being their last day.... I couldn't help but think of the first day of school. This is the picture I took of them back in August.

I love how everyone is alert....ready for school in their favorite clothes. T-shirts are a staple at my house. Comfort....also key!

Now....9 months later.....they've grown and changed.

Max, proudly wearing his Safety Patrol belt one last day to school before the new school year begins. He's been 'in training' for 2 weeks now. He said he had a great hair day today. Hmmmm, I wonder where he has heard that phrase before? I'll shatter his world with a haircut soon. Its what I do.....

Scout on his Facebook before school...which is typically a no-no..but on last day of school? Anything goes! We even had french toast with powdered sugar....yes....I forgot about the teacher's sanity today.

This is Scout walking to the Bus Stop this morning....FOR THE LAST TIME!!!! He'll ride with Nick next year and will then drive or ride carpool his Sophomore year. I just realized this.....I may cry now.....

And then we have can't see the gray and black gym shorts or the flip flops that totally make this T-Shirt POP. He wanted to leave a fashion statement on this last day...HA! What I do love is his shirt. 'I survived 5th Grade' and on the back are several signatures from his 5th grade class that he still goes to school with. Kind of funny....a bit vintage!

So, all of this to say that we've had a big many ways. We'll look back on this school year for time to come with some new found knowledge that will make us better parents, make our kids better kids....and a better family all the way around. Though it was not a perfect year - and there were times I wish we could have had do-overs. But at the same time....we've seen God show up, again and again and show his love for us. We'll now enjoy a great summer......and do it all over again, wiser...hopefully smarter in some cases and with an attitude of thankfulness for this amazing life we share.

Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

And this week.........

This week is quickly coming to an end and I am smiling big. So looking forward to the weekend. But in all, this week has not been bad, just a regular busy week. My husband and I talked this week and we realized that yes....April and May are always busy. Always. There is usually something to celebrate at the boys schools (all 3 of them) and you can typically add a track banquet, football banquet, Scout Blue and Gold banquet etc, get the picture. Well, this week we started off with spirit week at Max's school where each day holds a new theme. I loved Tacky Day.....

This was Max's version of tacky day. Believe it or not....but seriously, this took us an hour the night before looking for just the right combination. The only thing not pictured here is the hunting hat lined with fur that seemed to set the look off just right for Max. You'll just have to imagine that for yourself.

Tuesday, I was blessed to be able to see Scout receive a few awards at his Middle School. I cannot believe he is going into high school next year. I am so proud of him. He is the type of student that works so hard. Truly....he works for what he receives. He is diligent with homework and projects and all of those things matter so much to him.

This is Scout receiving his final award of the morning - his Junior Membership into the Beta Club. That was right after he had his induction to the National Junior Honor Society.

Such a cutie!

And in addition to those fun things....we are hosting the Regions Charity Classic at my hotel this week. Always so much fun! Here are some fun pics....

And here are the people we followed for a majority of the day Wednesday. This is my boss and my client from Atlanta. Was a great day. They did quite well.....didn't win, but they were close! This picture was actually taken after my client got a birdie on this hole. Did I say that right....sounds really funny....

Fun stuff.....and after all of this week, I truly hear His word ringing in my ears....

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24

I hope I do a mom, wife, sales person and friend. To work at those roles with all my heart. Because essentially....its Christ we serve through every little thing we do. quote my friend Jenny today....why not jump right in...and just do it with all your heart. Why not???

Lord, thank you for all that you have blessed me with. The kids and their schools, the chaos and schedules. Thank you for my they bless my life and make even golf tournaments fun.....thank you for my job and how it provides and adds to my life. Thank you Lord for being so good.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Peighton Bailey is one today!

Officially, my sweet niece is now 1 year old. I can't believe it. Seriously!!!! What a blessing she so many, many ways. We celebrated BIG on Saturday for such a little girl. We laughed alot too....mostly at anything remotely cute that little girl did. Here are some fun pics of the party...and our gushing over her. My three boys were amazingly loved by their Mema and Papa....still are. But there is something about having this little girl around that makes us all, (my boys included) crazy and silly when she is near! I really can't believe that my youngest is 10...and that my oldest will be a senior next year. And Scout.....gulp...will enter highschool next year. Crazy....

My daddy made her this sweet little chair. Her initials monogrammed too!

This made me laugh - no real reason...just struck me as funny

And if you wonder if she enjoyed diving into her cake.....

Yes...she most certainly did!

Psalm 127:3

Don't you see that children are God's best gift?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ahhhh Friday......

I have no idea where this weekend will take you, but I can say with great enthusiasm...I am ecstatic that it is not taking me too far! We've had a busy couple of weeks so I look forward to having down time at home and a few family get togethers as well. Kevin wants to take the boys to see Star Trek tonight...I am more than good with that. I will enjoy a night with myself. Maybe a glass of wine and a movie only females can enjoy. I'm not sure....but whatever I will be a me night.

Tomorrow, I'll be at my sister's house celebrating my sweet niece's first birthday. I can't believe it. I am so thankful for how she has changed all of our lives. That little girl may never know the wondrous miracle she has performed.....just by being the little girl God created her to be. Simply Precious. So...with that said....I am using my right to brag as the Aunt of one of the most adorable girls ever. (I'll have to share with you soon about Addie Grace!!! I have another niece arriving from China early June....more information soon coming in another blog!) are some downright adorable pics from when I kept Peighton after the wedding. I loved all over this little thing....and then....after a mere 48 hours...became exhausted....and thought, I love that I can love her...squeeze her...then give her back! Whew....But we did just fine. We had 4 fun days with her and each one was wonderful.

OK...we had just finished her sweet potatoes and she was so sweet...I had to get a picture!

She has 'Aunt Shannon's' Sass....


I like this one...because it shows my LACK of reading material for little girls. I need to get on that one....this is not acceptable for my prissy girl!

Whatever you do this weekend...have fun and enjoy your mom and the other moms around you! Happy Mother's Day!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lots of Updates.....I've been away....

Wow! The last post I have is from a few weeks ago when Nick was in Mexico. In case you are wondering....yes, he made it home! It was amazing to see how this trip affected him. To put it in his words, "I've never done anything that important in my life". He truly felt and saw that his actions that week had helped to change some one's life forever. He loved being outside and working on a house for a family in need. He truly loved being at an orphanage one of the days too. He told us a few times about the children jumping on him and how they wanted him to paint their face like a tiger. He smiled BIG telling us of his experiences. We are so thankful for that experience in his life. I can't wait to see how God will use that in his life later on. For now, he wants to go back as soon as he can. He literally CANNOT wait for another opportunity.

This was our first Easter without Nick and that was really weird. But, because of unplanned circumstances, our family from Nashville joined us! It was wonderful! Here is a picture of my sweet Nana Sunday afternoon. She couldn't make it to church with us, but she loved us visiting in the afternoon. To be so close to death only a few months ago....she is has some amazing days now. She doesn't feel this good every day - but we were so thankful Easter Sunday was a good day. It was so nice being with her that day. She's still a way fun Nana, and laughed and enjoyed her great grandchildren to the fullest!

The week after Easter, my sister got married. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding. Jennifer and Vince had one of the sweetest weddings I have ever seen. Along with traditional vows, they spoke their own words to each other. My sister has always been a writer - so she had a speech for Vince - and it was perfect. I loved that she took the time to tell him how she felt about him and the difference he had made in her life. Before the ceremony, she said that she thought maybe she should cut it short that people didn't want to hear all her stuff. I told her that it was her wedding and she should say what she wants to say. Its her wedding day! And she did....and it was great. The entire wedding was that way. It was very Jenny and Vince - and they enjoyed it together. Awesome day. Here are a few pictures.

Jen and her sweet Peighton. Peighton's dress was adorable! My mom bought it for Easter...and The Wedding!

My mother in law decorated the cake, the arch on the wall and the entire room...not enough space to post all the pics!

I will say that I experienced Acts Chapter 2 in a big way during the wedding. What do I mean? The church that I am a part of is called a2 in response of Acts chapter 2. This is a wonderful portion of that chapter.

The Fellowship of the Believers
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Since becoming a part of this church, that scripture has meant more to me than ever before. Well, during the planning of my sister's wedding, I was in need - and my community came to my aid. Seriously. They saw I had need and offered. I did not have to beg....or seek hard. My community was just there to help. For instance, I was catering the food - My friends Julie and Becky were there to make sure it happened and took care of everything that Saturday. They literally worked from 10am until 6pm, preparing, serving and cleaning. No complaints - smiled and were genuinely excited to do the whole thing! My girl Julie dropped her kids off that morning and picked them up after the wedding and enjoyed a whole 2 hours of rest...before going to the airport to pick up her husband and son. They had been in Mexico with Nick for that entire week before! What a week for everyone!

My friend, Becky's girls were there to take care of my niece and help with cutting the cake and greeting guests. They were amazing! Simply amazing. My niece Peighton didn't cry for her mommie (the bride) one time. She had a great day with Kelsie! We were so grateful. Emily could go into wedding planning one day herself. She was great! This teenage girl cut and served the entire grooms cake with ease!

Our friend David Jacks offered to do a video and pictures for my sisters wedding at no cost. Who does that? A friend who loves you...that is who! He and Kevin worked together on pictures and video to make sure the day would remembered for years to come. I cannot say enough how amazing that is!

My mother in law called the week of the wedding. She was sharing how she didn't think she could make it for my she wanted to come down that week to see us. The week of my sister's wedding. Ok...this is where God put icing on the cake for us - I believe the Lord holds all things in his hand. All things. And that every little thing we are concerned with is important to God. as I'm listening to my mother in law, I begin to think...oh, this means she will be here when my sister is getting married - and she is AN AMAZING FLORIST! What a brilliant change in plans! So, all of the sudden...we had a professional florist to decorate the cake and the reception area. The flowers were beautiful. Kathy really is amazing....and she blessed us all so much.

If that were not enough - I made a request for serving pieces - My neighbor supplied me with beautiful silver serving pieces that day and there were several other friends who offered as well. I needed linen - my wonderful hotel supplied that without cost. My friend allowed us to use his coffee urns, a friend at work brought an outfit for me to wear because there was NO TIME to shop! Amazing.... and when the wedding was over, I sat back and thought, How blessed it is to have a community of friends who are there. It was my sister - not theirs....but love her as if she was. Have you heard of anything like that before. They gave of themselves out of love for me. It was love like God loves. That selfless love.

John 3:16-18

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son

Oh....and in case I forget to update you on a few more little items.... Scout is enjoying Spring Trainin for Freshman football team next year. For our family that is out of state - he's grown about 6 inches this year! He remains our loud...but amazingly soft and tender hearted son. I look forward to what God is going to do with him during these teenage years. Max is ECSTATIC to have made the Safety Patrol Group at his school. 5th grade will be awesome for him! He says he has the 'hot spot' right outside the library. Its a big deal if you go to his school I hear. LOL Kevin is loving his jukebox and his 45 collection. Just picture it. The jukebox lives in our kitchen where we enjoy it every day....seriously. Nick is working hard on his grades....looks like I am buying a Martin Guitar this May. And me? Well, I'm 40 now...and love it. Thank you to all of you who make my life full of good things! I have been blessed.